Confused by the title? Do not worry. We want you to win at fantasy football playoff contests. It is just that we want to give you tips on how to win that fantasy football playoff contest by knowing what toavoid. By knowing things that you should stop doing during fantasy football playoff contests, you can actually get better.

You winning fantasy football playoff contests is what we really aim for in life.

In fantasy football, the worst player in the league not only loses his wager, but he also loses well, somehow, the respect of his peers. The worst fantasy football team manager who has the worst record is the one who is teased a lot and on some cases, he is the one serving drinks during the NFL Super Bowl party. If you do not want to suffer the consequences of being the worst team owner for the next season or be the designated beer server and all around patsy, you have to start being good at fantasy football. So, avoid these tips we have listed down and you will do alright.

# 1 Tip on How Not to Win the Game: Go ahead and drink a lot of booze. It doesn’t matter what you prefer—Cacium, Chica, Beer, Wine, Tequila, Sake, Soju—you name it, you should drink it. You should do this, especially on draft day, the day where you have to concentrate on who to choose. Yeah, go to the party with your cold bottle of beer and start chugging before everyone arrives. Be disoriented but hey, still have fun! The best way to lose and have a bad draft is to get drunk before it happens.

However, if you want to win then refrain from being drunk. You need the time to concentrate on what you are doing and focus on the task at hand. After all, your draft is the basic foundation of your fantasy football team and you need to be focused in order to create an unbeatable fantasy football team. Now, we are not being buzzkills and you can have a beer or two. After all, that adds to the fun of the games. Just do not get too out of control and get too intoxicated because you are out there to win anyway.

# 2 Tip on How Not to Win the Game: Do not come prepared. Yeah, the best way not to win is to just wing it during draft day.

Just by memorizing the players, you can hit the right players. You have a photographic memory, right?

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