Imagine you are in a fantasy football playoff contest and you suddenly lose. Not only do you lose the game, you are the worst player of the bunch. You not only have to walk that dreaded walk of shame for being the worst player, you also have to bear the teasing of your fantasy football buddies and so forth. In some extreme cases, I have seen the worst players be the one to serve drinks during the NFL Super Bowl party at the end of the season. So stop being the worst! 

Here are a few things we’ve gathered that you must not follow. By not following the list, you will become a better fantasy football player and perhaps not only avoid being the part of the worst of the crop in your fantasy league, but you may even win. Now, if you are underhanded in your game, you can certainly print out this article and change the title to “Fantasy Football Playoff Contest: Things to Follow When You Want to Win the Game” and give it to the rest of the players. Okay scratch that, we are just kidding around. You can win this season without following these pointers.

Things to Avoid When You Want to Win the Game # 1: Drink lots of booze. When it is time for drafting, go to your league’s meeting place and drink a lot. It does not matter what your booze of choice is, just get intoxicated enough so you do not know what you’re drinking. If you want to win, however, you can drink a couple of beers (it is supposed to be a fun thing) but not enough that you are sloshed out. You need all the concentration it takes in making the right decisions for your draft picks. After all, the draft is the basic foundation of your team.

Things to Avoid When You Want to Win the Game # 2: Come to the draft not prepared. Do not prepare for the event. After all, you can just wing it right? I mean, you have a photographic memory, right? What it takes to win this game is a lot of research and preparation. Read all the materials you can read so that you can make great decisions when it comes to choosing the right mix of players for your team.

Things to Avoid When You Want to Win the Game # 3: Draft the quarterback in your first round.

Things to Avoid When You Want to Win the Game # 4: Underestimate how important the last round of the draft really is.

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