Simply put: Collective intelligence. In collecting information on daily fantasy rankings, one should take the "wisdom of the crowd" to a new level by aggregating the daily fantasy rankings of the best fantasy football sites on the planet to analyze the rankings given to each player to produce a consensus ranking.

There is existing technology created to bring the wisdom of the crowd into a manageable environment. That’s what makes it so unique. Anyone can aggregate daily fantasy rankings and projections and then average them out. This is a results-oriented process for normalizing the rankings and projections. Weighing the rankings based upon past accurate information can give you an edge that your competition doesn't have.

There are sit/start rankings that provide a cumulative rank from expert projections around the Internet. If you've got a tough sit/start decision, check out the different sites’ daily fantasy rankings to see what the experts think.

The innovative draft rankings system provides a consensus ranking for overall draft rankings, as well as positional rankings. In theory, having 20 heads is better than 1. It's useful for seeing what the experts from the major fantasy websites are thinking and projecting. Your one ultimate source brings that collective intelligence into one location.

You should know how to compare rankings from sites such as NFL.com, ESPN.com, CBS Sportsline, FOX Sports, Fantasy Football Calculator, Bruno Boys, Fantasy Football Toolbox, Fantasy Sharks, and more to produce the Internet's best fantasy football rankings system.

We like to think that your collective knowledge does for fantasy football what automobiles with GPS can do for travel, but that's just our opinion. If you find this useful, help us spread the word to the fantasy sports world.

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